How to build character

 Charecter is the light which shines when the sun is down, and all other lights are out.

     Charecter is that power, with which we can win victory even when losing battles.

       Charecter is the awakened divine in man, before whom all heads bend, except those of the insane.

        Charecter is that afflatus which shines even in poverty.

        Charecter is that impregnable foundation on which stand all indestructible institutions of life.

         Robbers can break open and rob everything in the world, but not charecter. When we have lost everything but not charecter,  we have not really lost anything. 

         Everything made by mancan be destroyed by man, but nit charectet.

         With charecter we can fearlessly face and conquer any kind of present and future.    is hardly edifying without provision for vharecter. Charecter - transmission is the essential mission of education.  

        Those who give their children everything in the world, but fail to give charecter, give them 'stone' in place of 'bread'.

       One can build one's own charecter. One can also lose one's charecter,  even after building it. Charecter needs perpetual tending,  like breathing every moment, for living.

         No nation is stronger thanits charecter-base. No individual is safer than his charecter-security.

.          Charecterlessness is that destitution which cannot be worsened.

             The common man may seemingly exercise little influence in preventing any  catastrophe overtaking the world. But if he will have tended his character, and helped others to do the same, he could leave the rest, having done his best.


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